Jan 29, 2013 09:28
12 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term
English to Romanian
Poetry & Literature
The “Walking Hormone” has one thing in mind, self-gratification at the expense of women. To reach his goal, he'll often manipulate women with pressure or guilt. He may be congratulated in the locker-room as a player, but he is nothing more than a slave to his weakness. ...
If you won't avoid them for the sake of yourself, at least stay away for the sake of your future children. Such men make deadbeat dads, and your kids deserve a better father. That's why I would go so far as to say that sleeping with a player is asking for child abuse.
If you won't avoid them for the sake of yourself, at least stay away for the sake of your future children. Such men make deadbeat dads, and your kids deserve a better father. That's why I would go so far as to say that sleeping with a player is asking for child abuse.
Proposed translations
4 +3 | vezi explicaţia |
Valentin Cirdei
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4 +2 | donjuan |
Catalin Oprea
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Proposed translations
38 mins
vezi explicaţia
„Poate e felicitat în vestiar fiindcă ştie să vrăjească...”
vrajă, vrăji s. f. 1. curte asiduă făcută unei persoane de sex opus; seducție.
vrajă, vrăji s. f. 1. curte asiduă făcută unei persoane de sex opus; seducție.
Peer comment(s):
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Maria Diaconu
1 hr
Mersi :)
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1 day 6 mins
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Cristina Manoli
1 day 47 mins
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 hr
DONJUÁN I-HUAN/ s. m. (fam.) bărbat ahtiat după aventuri amoroase; om seducător, crai. (< fr. donjuan) MDN (2000)
ceea ce incerc sa nimeresc prin aceasta traducere, in orice caz, este un barbat care seduce si abandoneaza. e foarte importanta si aceasta a doua componenta asa cum reiese din urmatoarele def. din Urban Dictionary
A male who is skilled at manipulating ("playing") others, and especially at seducing women by pretending to care about them, when in reality they are only interested in sex. [..]
is very good at making girls think he is into them (also very proficient at breaking said girls hearts
a heartless human being usually male that takes joy in moving from one girl to the next either sexually or dating and does so in such a manner that they break and rebreak multiple victims hearts
ceea ce incerc sa nimeresc prin aceasta traducere, in orice caz, este un barbat care seduce si abandoneaza. e foarte importanta si aceasta a doua componenta asa cum reiese din urmatoarele def. din Urban Dictionary
A male who is skilled at manipulating ("playing") others, and especially at seducing women by pretending to care about them, when in reality they are only interested in sex. [..]
is very good at making girls think he is into them (also very proficient at breaking said girls hearts
a heartless human being usually male that takes joy in moving from one girl to the next either sexually or dating and does so in such a manner that they break and rebreak multiple victims hearts
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Angela Öhrman
2 mins
neutral |
Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
: Absolut de acord cu semnificatia termenului. Ce ne facem insa cu "vestiarul"? Unde e jocul de cuvinte?
1 hr
ne facem ca nu exista :).. glumesc, habar nu am
agree |
23 hrs