Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
triple threat position
Russian translation:
основная стойка при приеме/передаче мяча
Added to glossary by
Alex Lilo
Nov 20, 2003 13:36
21 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term
triple-threat position(ing)
English to Russian
basketball coaching
triple threat position
triple threat stance
shape up stance
Triple Threat Position
The triple threat position or the shape up stance as it is commonly called is an extremely important stance in
basketball, as all offensive movements originate from this position. This should be one of the first skills that
you teach your players, as it is something they will always have to do.
Whenever players catch the ball on the court, they must face the hoop and get into the triple threat stance.
Even if they are 90 feet away from the basket they must look at the basket and get into this stance as it
allows them to move quickly in any direction they choose to go. Once again it is very important that on the
catch, the player squares up to the basket, so that they know what is going on. If they do not look at the
basket they may miss a scoring opportunity, a driving opportunity or an open teammate.
In a triple threat stance the offensive player has three movements they can make. From this position the
player can 1.shoot 2..dribble or 3.pass. The stance is described as follows for a left handed player:
Lower Body
· Feet are shoulder width apart in a stable, balanced position
· For a left handed player, have the left foot about 2-3 inches ahead of right foot
· Legs must be slightly bent (we always want players to get low)
· When players get low make sure they are not bending their back
· Back straight, butt sticking out and head up
Triple Threat Stance Triple Threat Stance
Hand position
Upper Body
· Hold ball with dominate hand on back of ball, with middle finger on air valve of ball
· Shooting wrist is cocked, with the elbow under the ball
· Opposite hand is on the side of ball
· The ball is held in finger tips and pads only. No palm on
· Ball is held to the side of the body, just over the top of the left knee, and tight to the body
triple threat stance
shape up stance
Triple Threat Position
The triple threat position or the shape up stance as it is commonly called is an extremely important stance in
basketball, as all offensive movements originate from this position. This should be one of the first skills that
you teach your players, as it is something they will always have to do.
Whenever players catch the ball on the court, they must face the hoop and get into the triple threat stance.
Even if they are 90 feet away from the basket they must look at the basket and get into this stance as it
allows them to move quickly in any direction they choose to go. Once again it is very important that on the
catch, the player squares up to the basket, so that they know what is going on. If they do not look at the
basket they may miss a scoring opportunity, a driving opportunity or an open teammate.
In a triple threat stance the offensive player has three movements they can make. From this position the
player can 1.shoot 2..dribble or 3.pass. The stance is described as follows for a left handed player:
Lower Body
· Feet are shoulder width apart in a stable, balanced position
· For a left handed player, have the left foot about 2-3 inches ahead of right foot
· Legs must be slightly bent (we always want players to get low)
· When players get low make sure they are not bending their back
· Back straight, butt sticking out and head up
Triple Threat Stance Triple Threat Stance
Hand position
Upper Body
· Hold ball with dominate hand on back of ball, with middle finger on air valve of ball
· Shooting wrist is cocked, with the elbow under the ball
· Opposite hand is on the side of ball
· The ball is held in finger tips and pads only. No palm on
· Ball is held to the side of the body, just over the top of the left knee, and tight to the body
Proposed translations
4 +1 | Выглядит это так | Dmitry Dobriansky |
4 +1 | Основная стойка | olganet |
3 +1 | универсальная позиция | Tamar Kvlividze |
Proposed translations
55 mins
Выглядит это так
А обозвать это можно, как основная позиция при приеме/передаче мяча
Note added at 1 hr 0 min (2003-11-20 14:36:30 GMT)
Или лучше: основная позиция при атаке.
Можно, конечно, сказать стойка - но это больше относится к единоборствам.
Note added at 1 hr 6 mins (2003-11-20 14:42:51 GMT)
Вот еще картинка
А обозвать это можно, как основная позиция при приеме/передаче мяча
Note added at 1 hr 0 min (2003-11-20 14:36:30 GMT)
Или лучше: основная позиция при атаке.
Можно, конечно, сказать стойка - но это больше относится к единоборствам.
Note added at 1 hr 6 mins (2003-11-20 14:42:51 GMT)
Вот еще картинка
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Alex Lilo
: ne soglasen s atakoy, no polnostyu podderzhyvayu perviy variant
19 hrs
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "спасибо"
42 mins
универсальная позиция
... но может быть есть и более специфический "баскетбольный" термин...
11 hrs
Основная стойка
Основная стойка при ведении мяча: ноги в коленях согнуты, таз опущен, наклон тела - чуть вперед, плечи развернуты, голова поднята. Во время ведения игрок должен быть готов в любой момент изменить направление движения, сделать остановку, передачу или бросить по кольцу. Кисть руки, ведущей мяч, регулирует силу удара, высоту отскока и направление движения мяча. При этом мяча касаются лишь кончики пальцев, игрок не должен смотреть на мяч, а только периферическим зрением контролировать его. В поле зрения дриблера одновременно должны находиться партнеры, защитники, судьи. Мяч обязательно укрывается от соперника корпусом, плечом, свободной рукой. Некоторые игроки при попытках защитника выбить мяч иногда отталкивают своей рукой руку соперника, однако этим лучше не злоупотреблять, особенно если судья стоит недалеко. Защитнику такое движение с вашей стороны, мягко говоря, будет неприятно, а судья может засчитать фол в нападении
вроде совпадает с вашим описанием
вроде совпадает с вашим описанием