Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

draught gauges

Serbo-Croat translation:

merači gaza

Added to glossary by Bogdan Petrovic
Dec 19, 2009 14:31
15 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term

draught gauges

English to Serbo-Croat Tech/Engineering Ships, Sailing, Maritime
Loading and stability information

That, when applicable, reliable draught gauges are fitted and are in use. That measures are taken to ensure that the ship is not overloaded and the appropriate sub-division load line is not submerged. That the loading and stability assessment is carried out as required.
Proposed translations (Serbo-Croat)
5 +2 merači gaza

Proposed translations

14 mins

merači gaza

ili instrumenti za merenje gaza
draught - see draft
draft - gaz
ref. Rječnik brodograđevnih, strojarskih i nuklearnotehničkih naziva, LJ. Brtolić
Naslov: Ultrazvučni mjerač gaza
Ultrazvučni mjerač gaza / Tihomir Štimac, Jezerko Crnić

Note added at 18 mins (2009-12-19 14:50:21 GMT)
DRAFT GAUGE -A device for measuring draft, usually in inches of water.

Note added at 2 hrs (2009-12-19 16:52:31 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- CHECKL...
Gaz (Draft): m
Peer comment(s):

agree Milan Djukić
4 hrs
agree Karletto
23 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala!"
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