Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

transfer risk

Spanish translation:

riesgo de transferencia

Added to glossary by Oso (X)
Mar 15, 2001 09:59
23 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term

transfer risk

English to Spanish Bus/Financial
In relation to partnerships and ownerships, business on revenue generation and re-evaluation of capital expenditure precedures.
Thanks a lot"

Proposed translations

37 mins

riesgo de transferencia

No me ha quedado muy claro su contexto, pero...riesgo de transferencia podría ser si se tratase de cambios en el estado de asociaciones y propiedades.

Saludos afectuosos de OSO ¶:^)
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
51 mins

Riesgo de transferencia

Though I am not too familiar with the term, this is the way I have heard it on several occasions.

Found this for you.

noun [tráns fùr ] (plural trans·fers)

1. change of place: the conveying of somebody or something from one place, for example, one department of an organization, to another

2. TRANSPORT ticket allowing passenger to transfer: a ticket that allows a passenger to change from one vehicle to another on a journey, or the place where this is done

3. somebody transferred: somebody who is transferred, for example, a student

4. LAW conveyance: the passing of rights or property from one person to another, or a document that conveys rights or property between persons

5. design applied to surface: an image on a piece of film or paper that is specially designed to be lifted off by heat or pressure and applied permanently to the surface of a material

6. FINANCE recording of sale: the recording of a change of ownership of shares or bonds in the books of the issuer

[14th century. From Latin transferre "to carry across," from ferre "to carry" (see fertile ).]

Encarta® World English Dictionary

Saludos y suerte, :)

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1 hr

transferir riesgo

It might help to give the sentence.
Riesgo transferible might also work
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2 hrs

riesgo de trasbordo

al exportar una mercancía, el seguro se paga por el exportador hasta el buque, y por el importador desde allí, y entre los dos etapas está el riesgo del trasbordo

En términos de fianzas, podría ser riesgo de transferencia, pero me suena más lo de trasbordo

me suena

Peer comment(s):

Bertha S. Deffenbaugh
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4 hrs

Riesgo de traspaso

Diccionario Bilingue de Negocios
Bilingual Business Dictionary
Dearborn Financial Publishing - LID Editorial Empresarial
Copyright 1999

transfer (traspaso) - In accounting, the charging of a particular amount from one account and credit of the same amount in another account.

Hope it helps!
Peer comment(s):

Bertha S. Deffenbaugh
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