Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Order of the Master
Spanish translation:
órden del juez/tribunal
English term
Order of the Master
be it known that Letters of Administration were granted toXXXX for the use and benefit of YYY, pursuant to and Order of the Master dated 15th January 2003 under Article 5 of ...
4 +1 | orden del juez/tribunal |
Lydia De Jorge
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2 | orden del tasador de costas |
Robert Copeland
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Oct 27, 2007 14:04: Lydia De Jorge changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/136080">neskatxoa's</a> old entry - "Order of the Master"" to ""orden del juez/tribunal""
Proposed translations
orden del juez/tribunal
Note added at 23 hrs (2007-10-27 14:03:31 GMT) Post-grading
A tus ordenes!
orden del tasador de costas
Order of Master...
In accordance with the **Order of Master Rose** dated 20 July 2005 (as amended by the order of **Master Leslie** dated 27 july 2005), and upon the application of the Claimants, the First Defendant not having raised any points of dispute on the Claimants’ bill of costs, **Master Haworth** has assessed the Claimants’ bill of costs in the sum of £XXXXXXX.
>>> Mi duda es quién es el "Master". Muchas gracias.
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United Kingdom
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orden del tasador de costas
This refers to an order issued by a taxing master (person who calculates court costs usually paid by the losing party). Formerly called "taxation of costs", now called "assessment of costs" in England and Wales.
Note added at 16 mins (2007-02-07 11:04:52 GMT)
Definitions from the Department of Constitutional Affairs webpage:
Taxation of costs-the assessment of the expenses involved in a court case
Taxing authority-a body which assesses costs
Taxing Master-a judge who assesses costs
House of Lords - Appeal - First Report
This report concerns the taxation of costs of counsel in appeals to the ... the determining officer's decision to the Taxing Master do the rules provide for ...
... for the taxation of costs was three months from the date of the order. ... Such an extension would impose an extreme task on the taxing master to decide ...
No taxation of costs in proceedings on the small claims track (C2.3) ... (3), Taxation under this rule may be carried out only by a taxing master or a ...
... procedures for the assessment of costs were introduced in the Supreme Court and the county courts, replacing procedures for the 'taxation' of costs. ...
Solicitors, Re (Taxation of Costs) [1982] 2 All E.R. 683). ... counsel, but on taxation (assessment of costs) the House allows only junior counsel’s fees ... -
Note added at 40 mins (2007-02-07 11:28:42 GMT)
Just for info, (and although I do not know the procedures in other Spanish-speaking jurisdictions) in Spain taxation/assessment of costs is not carried out by a taxing master, but rather is one of the duties of the clerks of court ("secretarios judiciales"):
TASACIÓN DE COSTAS-Es el procedimiento por el que se determina la cuantía de las costas procesales. Se lleva a cabo por el secretario del órgano jurisdiccional que haya actuado en el pleito. Hecha y presentada la tasación, se da vista a las partes, empezando por la condenada a su pago. Cabe la impugnación de costas: por considerarse excesivos los honorarios de los letrados o peritos, o por incluir partidas indebidas. Resuelta la impugnación, queda abierta la vía de apremio o exacción de las costas, y previa su tasación, cuando la parte condenada no las hubiese satisfecho antes de que la contraria solicite dicha tasación.
Ley de Enjuiciamiento civil, artículos 242 y siguientes
(Diccionario de Derecho Bosch, Barcelona, 2005)
Selected response from:
Rebecca Jowers
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Thanks very much, Rebecca!
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5 orden del tasador de costas
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