Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Spanish translation:

“interrupción forzada” or “operación forzada”....

Added to glossary by Domingo Trassens
Jul 17, 2012 12:53
12 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Computers (general) Poder
Forces are not maintained during a startup cycle...

Guide about a safety controller.
Change log

Jul 22, 2012 12:22: Domingo Trassens Created KOG entry

Jul 22, 2012 12:26: Domingo Trassens changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/125348">Domingo Trassens's</a> old entry - "forces"" to "" “interrupción forzada” or “operación forzada”.... ""


panchleon (X) Jul 17, 2012:
Me da la impresión de que se trata de "fuerzas", sea cual sea el adjetivo que lo modifique.
Jorge Merino Jul 17, 2012:
Me da la impresión que "forces" se menciona en alguna otra parte del texto, o bien falta un modificador de "forces", por ejemplo "magnetic forces", "driving forces", "contact forces". "Forces" solo, sin más contexto, puede ser varias cosas...
malaudes (asker) Jul 17, 2012:
Hola La duda es cómo traducir forces. ¡Gracias!
Carmen Adan Jul 17, 2012:
Entiendo que durante la puesta en marcha, la potencia o resistencia o rendimiento, no es el mismo, pero... ¿esta es la duda?
Jorge Merino Jul 17, 2012:
¿Cuál es la duda?

Proposed translations

1 day 6 hrs

“interrupción forzada” or “operación forzada”.... PLEASE SEE EXPLANATION BELOW


The context that you are giving us is reduced to make a proposal.

But if you are talking of computers, in the computing systems, the concept of “forces” is related to a manual interrupt or operation.

The Computer Dictionary and Handbook by Charles J. Sippl & Charles P. Sippl published by Howard W. Sams says about: “force”.
Term “force”: “To manually interrupt and intervene in the operation of a routine and to effect and execution of a computer jump instructions.”

Frequently, during the startup cycle, the computers don’t maintain active the “forces” (manual interruptions or operations).

A translation of “force” with the criterion that I explained before is: “interrupción forzada” or “operación forzada”.... In plural, “forces” = “interrupciones forzadas” or “operaciones forzadas”.

In both cases, we talk about to make an manual operation that force a special action in a computing process. Despite the reduced context of your question, these concepts are reasonable in computing systems. For example, an interruption is an special operation to interrupt a process (e.g: the startup cycle).

By the way, the term “force” as a verb in Spanish is: “forzar” and as a noun is “fuerza”.

I hope this analysis helps you in your work.


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