Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Spanish translation:

(En un contexto de oferta de servicios): propuesta/ofrecimiento/ofrecer/hacer una oferta....

Added to glossary by Andrea Macarie (X)
Jul 12, 2007 08:39
17 yrs ago
38 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Other Economics
¿tiene otro significado aparte de "licitación"? como por ej. propuesta, oferta, ..

contexto: "tender desk and special offers/ tender and offer library".

The company offers services, NOT products

Proposed translations

1 hr

(En un contexto de oferta de servicios): propuesta/ofrecimiento/ofrecer/hacer una oferta....

Elige la que más te convenga en el contexto. Puedes consultar el Alcaraz Varó Hughes Financiero, pág. 670, "tender1".-
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "gracias"
29 mins


Cuando se trata de servicios se utiliza más concurso (por ejemplo de meritos)
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32 mins
English term (edited): tender // tender desk

subasta (de deuda pública) // mesa de compra de deuda pública

el tender en sí es la oferta de títulos por parte del emisor (en el caso abajo el Banco Central Europeo) y el tender desk es la mesa de operaciones dedicada a la compra de estos títulos.

Los tenders son las subastas

The results on the “organisational proximity” show that the money market deposit desk is
closest to the tender desk. The repo desk only appears in the fourth position, which looks
strange, considering that the tender itself is a repo transaction. However, it has to be
remembered that in most banks the repo desk was historically part of the fixed income desk.

Several banks argued that the widening of the spreads seemed to be of a structural nature. They
argued that the size of the tender operations had grown significantly over the years and had now
reached a level that seemed to become somewhat problematic. They argued that the liquidity
needs for individual banks are now so high that the banks can no longer risk to receive no money
in the tender operations. This would, in their view, favour a behaviour by which banks rather
increase their bidding rates by a basis points than risk to “drop out” and not to receive any money
from the ECB, as the latter would mean that they would have to fund very large amounts in the

This paper constructs an equilibrium model for the short-term money market, when the central bank provides liquidity via variable rate tenders. The relation between market rate of interest and liquidity

Peer comment(s):

agree Egmont
1 hr
Gracias AVRVM
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