Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Faculty Strength

Spanish translation:

“Nivel del Cuerpo Docente”.

Added to glossary by Domingo Trassens
Jun 30, 2012 13:43
12 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

Faculty Strength

English to Spanish Other Education / Pedagogy
Mil gracias

Faculty Strength
The teaching faculty in the University are principally scholars of national repute and international eminence. More than 98 per cent of full-time faculty hold doctoral or equivalent degrees in their respective fields. UTSA's endowed professorships include fourteen distinguished chairs and six distinguished professorships, which is an indicative measure of its academic excellence.

Capacidad ????del cuerpo docente
El cuerpo docente de la Universidad está conformado principalmente por académicos de prestigio nacional e internacional. Más del 98% de los docentes a tiempo completo poseen doctorados o títulos equivalentes en sus respectivos campos. Las cátedras financiadas por donaciones incluyen catorce plazas de profesores distinguidos y seis plazas de catedráticos distinguidos, lo cual es indicativo de su excelencia académica.
Change log

Jul 3, 2012 15:18: Domingo Trassens Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

45 mins

“Nivel del Cuerpo Docente”. PLEASE SEE OTHER OPTIONS BELOW

Hello Sagitario14:

I read your question and context. In this case, the expression is title that includes all the concepts that characterize the level (level) or strength of the Faculty. Normally, the translation of title requires rewriting.

In Spanish, it doesn’t look good to say: “Fortaleza del Cuerpo Docente”, or “Capacidad del Cuerpo Docente”.

In this case, I prefer to use the normal translation of “level” to Spanish that is “nivel”.

It is more elegant for title to say: “Nivel del Cuerpo Docente”.

Other options:
- “Jerarquía del Cuerpo Docente”,
- “Fortaleza del Cuerpo Docente”.
- “Alta Posición del Cuerpo Docente”.
- “Posición del Cuerpo Docente”.

All these expressions show “strength”. But from my point of view, the better is “nivel” because it looks clear and elegant, and it plugs well as part of a title of an university document.

It is not a textual translation but it is logical translation or a rewriting of the title in Spanish.

You have to decide for yourself. I used my experience as journalist and the education of my journalism teacher: short, clear and strong titles, non-textual translations when they don’t look well in the other language...

I hope you like my suggestion.

Thank you,


Note added at 1 day4 hrs (2012-07-01 18:31:08 GMT)

Special note for Sagitario14:

I saw that after me, other answer used my same argument and suggestion. I really don't like this. Personally, I answered your question because I appreciate your work and I like to helps others. The argument that “strength” implies “nivel” comes from my own personal experience in the university.

If this situation continues, I will stop my collaboration.


Note from asker:
Mil gracias Domingo por tus continuos aportes, realmente son de mucho valor.
Peer comment(s):

agree veronicaes
2 days 4 hrs
Veronicaes: I appreciate you marked my proposal. Many thanks! Domingo
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
3 mins

idoneidad del cuerpo docente

Una posibilidad
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59 mins

Vigor del profesorado

I think that 'strength' in the source text is used primarily in the sense that the teachers are respectible and highly qualified therefore trustworthy and dependable based on their merits. For this reason I think using the word 'vigour' is suitable because it gives the idea of strength and worthiness. I hope this helps.
Example sentence:

Meritos del cuerpo docente

Vigor del profesorado

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46 mins

Composición del profesorado

Por lo que entiendo, "faculty strenght" se refiere al número de personal que compone el profesorado de una institución de enseñanza, algo que se relaciona continuamente con la calidad del centro. Es decir, sería la capacidad, pero en términos numéricos. Así lo veo en la mayoría de las universidades americanas, donde además se relaciona con la capacidad de la universidad para becar a los profesores, actualizar las ramas de investigación, y atraer así a nuevos estudiantes.

¡Espero que ayude!

Note added at 1 hr (2012-06-30 15:16:38 GMT)

Perdon: el primer link está mal. Mi intención era redireccionar a este:
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11 hrs

"Nivel Facultativo" o "Nivel del Cuerpo Docente"

They are talking here about level of importance, so what they are talking about when they say "Strength" is all about "LEVEL".
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7 hrs

capacidad del profesorado

Me parece muy bien el uso de "capacidad" en este contexto; quizás combinado con "profesorado", por ser más breve, sea un poco mejor.

"capacidad del profesorado"
About 17,700 results (0.10 seconds)"capacidad del profesorado"&i...

Note added at 1 day6 hrs (2012-07-01 20:04:57 GMT)

En este contexto, también me gusta la palabra "nivel" (como sugiere Domingo), por lo que otra opción podría ser "nivel del profesorado".

¡Espero que le sirva!
Saludos desde las Islas Marianas :-)
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