Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

supply isolator

Spanish translation:

aislador de electricidad / energía

Added to glossary by María Etelvina Aguiar
Sep 12, 2007 19:18
17 yrs ago
9 viewers *
English term

supply isolator

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Engineering (general) es un manual de revisiones previas al encendido de una grúa
Check that all of the equipment supply isolators / circuit breakers are closed in the ON position.
Check that the main incoming supply isolator from the diesel alternator is closed in the ON position.

Proposed translations

17 mins

aislador de electricidad / energía

Lo encontré de ambas maneras. Espero te sea de utilidad. Saludos
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchas gracias por tu tiempo y tu ayuda"
17 mins

aislador de la fuente de corriente

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