Mar 18, 2013 20:06
11 yrs ago
English term

variable fuel/ environmental

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Environment & Ecology Recycling & Waste Management
The Company will service a 40-yd compactor five times per week – account will be worth approximately $4,000.00 per month plus variable fuel/environmental!

En un comunicado de prensa de una compañía de reciclaje y gestión de desechos.

Proposed translations

4 hrs
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
27 mins

combustible/tarifa ambiental variable

I think there is a "fee" missing... my opinion. I hope it helps.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Miguel Valentín-Gamazo : me parece que el orden gramatical no es muy natural. Yo pondría: "mas las tarifas variables de combustible y medio ambiente" (aunque es más largo)
3 hrs
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