Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Pliego interrogatorio

Spanish translation:

List of interrogatories (US)

Added to glossary by Bertha S. Deffenbaugh
Jun 8, 2001 12:03
23 yrs ago
22 viewers *
English term

Pliego de interrogatorio

English to Spanish Law/Patents
En el dia de hoy estamos enviando el primer Pliego de Interrogatorio a XXX...

Proposed translations

55 mins

List of interrogatories

Parrot give a very informative reply, though I think this term is more appropriate (in US).

It is a written list of questions that must be replied to in writing.

Sometimes just called "interrogatories".


Peer comment(s):

Davorka Grgic : Checked by Google. This is the correct answer but I think that you will also agree that all the credit goes to Parrot. D
2 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you fronterizo! And thank you Parrot, too! :))"
22 mins

interrogation record

I hope it fits your context.

For example:

Trials of German Major War Criminals: Volume 12
... In the interrogation record which was produced and read on this point by the French
Prosecution there is also a regrettable error to be found. It says that I ...

Espero haberte ayudado.

Que te vaya bien.



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32 mins

I am the asker

Hi Davorka,

Do you think that Pliego de Interrogatorio is the same as Registro de Interrogatorio?

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42 mins

Tienes "question sheet" en Alcaraz

es decir, pliego de posiciones o interrogatorio. Son las preguntas (pleadings) formuladas por una parte a la otra, junto con las respuestas por escrito de la otra parte, redactadas en un único documento. Aunque quizá se pueda emplear "interrogation" en un caso penal.
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