Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

bronze bas relief

Spanish translation:

bajorrelieve en bronce

Added to glossary by jemad
May 28, 2002 18:36
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

bronze bas relief

Non-PRO English to Spanish Other last will and testament
I give to the university the bronze bas relief of Anastasius Ludwig Mencken now hanging over the fireplace in the sitting room.

Proposed translations

1 min

bajorrelieve en bronce

vid. ref.
Peer comment(s):

agree Sandra Bonilla : ¿todos lo mismo y todos a la vez???
2 mins
that's the question... :-)
agree Fernando Muela Sopeña
4 mins
Gracias, Fernando... :-)
agree Hans Gärtner
8 mins
Gracias de nuevo, Hans... :-)
agree Thierry LOTTE
14 mins
Gracias, Thierry, una vez más, por tu amabilidad... :-)
agree LoreAC (X)
13 hrs
Gracias de nuevo por tu apoyo...
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 mins

bajorrelieve en bronce

straight translation
Something went wrong...
2 mins

Bajo relieve en bronce

Something went wrong...
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