Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

red ink

Spanish translation:

Saldo negativo

Added to glossary by Ivan Sanchez
Jun 4, 2001 21:06
23 yrs ago
6 viewers *
English term

red ink

Non-PRO English to Spanish Other
Sketchy business plans, empty IPOs, and red ink
are out. Customer satisfaction, informed decisions,
and bottom-line results are in. XXX is dedicated to
helping companies, their employees, customers,
and partners collaborate and succeed in this new,
New Economy. XXX delivers the solutions, technologies,
and services that companies need to work together
toward common goals.

Proposed translations

8 hrs

Saldo negativo

Es una expresion heredada de los tiempos en que los contables utilizaban "tinta roja" [realmente, para diferenciar de la azul que utilizaban comunmente], para indicar los estados financieros que registraban perdidas, o que se hallaban por debajo del margen minimo aceptable.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
16 mins

cláusula roja

See this site:
7. Según las modalidades financieras: respaldado (back to back), subsidiario o contracrédito, con cláusula roja (red ink clause), con cláusula verde (green ink clause), o carta de crédito Stand-by. El mismo procedimiento es aplicable a las empresas de servicios y, en general, todas aquellas operaciones dentro de la oferta y la demanda.
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51 mins

operating at a loss

Profits are written with black ink and losses with red. To be in the black means to be making a profit. To be in the red means making a loss.

How is you business? Is it in the black yet?

After five months of red ink (losses), it will be in the black within three months.


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1 hr

deudas, problemas financieros

Puede referirse al "rojo" de un saldo negativo, fíjate si te va con el contexto general.
Aquí un chiste al respecto:

Acquiring massive amounts of debt. Usually brought on by credit card misuse.
Symptoms: Difficulty seeing the long-term implications of debt, red ink on bottom line of bank account statement, excessive blinking and tears when viewing credit report


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2 hrs

...y se acabaronlas pérdidas/los saldos negativos...

Personal experience...
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2 hrs

números rojos

That's when a company has got more debts/losses than profits. Plenty data on ref below. Cheers :-)
Peer comment(s):

tazdog (X)
2 days 1 hr
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