Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

bud-thinning of the trunk related to vineyard administration and harvest)

Spanish translation:

podar el tronco

Added to glossary by Lillian van den Broeck
Nov 18, 2004 14:11
20 yrs ago
English term

bud-thinning of the trunk (Text related to vineyard administration and harvest)

English to Spanish Bus/Financial Science (general)
One example is bud-thinning of the trunk, which is carried out in spring.....................
Text related to vineyard administration and harvest

Proposed translations

11 mins

podar el tronco

Creo que este sitio te puede ayudar mucho Anita:
Key Words: Vitis vinifera; red wine varieties; varieties; rootstocks; tipping; growth;
Lara. ... de variedades y portainjertos para la producción de uvas de vino ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Adriana Torres
2 hrs
Gracias, Adrito.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "gracias"
3 hrs

desyemado del tronco

Quitar las yemas o brotes a las plantas.

Note added at 3 hrs 10 mins (2004-11-18 17:21:14 GMT)

deslechugar y deschuponar son otros verbos empleados en viticultura que podrían interesarte
Peer comment(s):

agree Miriam Garcia : Es esto, reducir el número de yemas de las cepas.
5 days
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