Oct 7, 2000 09:18
24 yrs ago
27 viewers *
English term

stretch wrapper

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering
Automated packaging machinery.

Proposed translations

5 hrs

See below

Maquina empacadora/selladora de lámina polietilénica (Mylar).
Es el tipo de empacadora/selladora que utiliza como medio el 'mylar' o lámina transparente polietilénica ultradelgada, se encuentra en casi todo los productos frescos en supermercados, carnes, vegetales, etc. etc.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. I should have provided more context, but you hit on the answer I needed. You were all very helpful, and I wish could select more than one right answer. Alvin"
1 hr


stretch wrap = Spannpackung
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2 hrs


una maquina de ....
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5 hrs

empacadora de lámina plástica

I'm not sure of the type of plastic wrap - hope this helps!
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8 hrs

See below,

Embaladora de cinta plástica...
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1 day 19 hrs

prensa selladora/envasadora

I believe If you are talking about an automated PACKAGING machine that uses thin plastic wrap I would use "prensa selladora"; the machine stretches the plastic, wraps it around, then seals it. I would use "envasadora" when the wrap is thicker or more rigid.
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