Mar 18, 2001 22:26
23 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Tech/Engineering
10. Excess free water cause which of the following casting defects.
A. Pinholes
B. Blow
C. Swells
D. Metal penetration
E. All of the above

Proposed translations

3 hrs



Técnico Industrial
... CURSOS. DESARROLLO PROFESIONAL CONTINUO TÉCNICO ... segregaciones, sopladura (Blow-holes)
y ... Tipos de fundición de Hierro ... de seguridad. Defectos, causas, soluciones ... - 74k - In cache - Gelijkwaardige pagina's

Fabricación de Botellas de Vidrio
... vidrio del horno de fundición se debe unificar en ... comparación con el counter blow
----- el aire del soplo ... cantidad de burbujas y defectos, lo que se ... - 70k - In cache - Gelijkwaardige pagina's

DIM/FHIS ­ USAID Especificaciones ... de hierro colado (fundición) deberán ser de ... por
daño u otros defectos cuando se recibe ... de agujeros blow, hoyos, filos, u ...
Text version - Gelijkwaardige pagina's

Peer comment(s):

Robert Dillon
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias!"
2 hrs

burbujas, defectos por burbuja

Blow Hole: Hole in the casting caused by trapped air or gases.

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3 hrs

defectos por gas atrapado

Blow - A term describing the trapping of gas in castings, causing voids in the metal.

Blowhole - irregularty shaped cavities with smooth walls produced in a casting when gas, evolved during solidification of the metal, fails to escape and is held in pockets.

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6 hrs


"Busquen agujeros o burbujas que puedan indicar aire o impurezas que fueron introducidas durante el proceso de forjado"


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23 hrs

See below,

Eurodicautom gives the following translation "sopladura/globo"
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1 day 15 hrs


The moisture rapidly heats up and vaporizes into steam, that will blow out of the casting producing the above mentioned defect.
"sopladura" is the word commonly used in the steel trade.
Good luck
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