May 13, 2013 15:32
11 yrs ago
8 viewers *
English term

Bail off brakes (vs. release)

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Hola, a todos:

Estoy traduciendo un texto referido a los frenos neumáticos de una locomotora. El texto utiliza los términos "bail off" y "release", pero en la TM que me han dado encuentro que se usa "liberar" para traducir ambos términos, aunque no son lo mismo.

Definiciones que encontré:

Release: "(...)This position releases the locomotive brakes, provided the automatic brake handle is in the release position."

Bail off: "Depression of the independent brake handle whenever the handle is in the release position will cause the release of any automatic brake application existing on the locomotive. When an automatic brake application is made, the independent brake must be bailed off for 4 seconds per locomotive in the consist AND until the brake pipe air quits exhausting. "
"The term, "Bail Off" is used when the Locomotives brake cylinder pressure is exausted or released. Usually on todays modern diesels "30W Brake stands," bailing off is accomplished by a "bail off ring" located on the "ABV" (Automatic Brake Valve) or on the "Independent," or one on both. On some units, bailing off is done by moving the "Independent" over to the side(horizontal motion). The old "26L Brake Stand" as used on F40PH, GP40-2, SD40-2, etc., required the Engineer to push down on the Independent brake to bail off the engine brakes.
The reason that you would bail off is to keep the train "stretched". If you didn't bail off the engine brake then your cars behind you would "bunch up" and hit you in the rear because a locomotive has more braking effort than a piece of rolling stock.
Bailing off is a brake term and has really nothing to do with the power."

Si alguien conoce del tema y me puede ayudar, le estaré muy agradecida.


Proposed translations (Spanish)
3 aflojar los frenos

Proposed translations

14 hrs

aflojar los frenos

Se menciona entre otros, en los enlaces adjuntos.

¡Con todo lo que vas a aprender, volver a subir en tren va a ser una experiencia totalmente nueva!
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53 mins

See this reference in Kudoz...
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