Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

to hear a cock crow

English answer:

to anticipate a denunciation

Added to glossary by salavat
Oct 13, 2007 12:39
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

to hear a cock crow

Non-PRO English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature Literature
"Have you got children?" the girl asked him.

"Yes," he said "I have a dughter."Of course he felt like he was denying Laura, expected to hear a cock crow everytime he made this answer bu people did not want him to say "Yes I have two, one alive and one dead."

How can I explain the phrase " expected to hear a cock crow" ?
Change log

Oct 13, 2007 14:35: salavat Created KOG entry


salavat Oct 13, 2007:
Thank you!


9 mins

to anticipate a denunciation

Thi sentence is from Gospel. A cock crow when Peter in third time gave up Christ.

Note added at 15 mins (2007-10-13 12:55:45 GMT)

When Peter have denied knowing Christ in third time, a cock crowed and Peter wept bitterly.
Peer comment(s):

agree Nesrin : Truly I say to you, on this night, before a cock crows, you will disown me three times (Matthew 26:34)
2 mins
Thank you, Nesrin.
agree lafresita (X)
11 mins
Thank you!
agree Micaela Genchi
25 mins
Thank you, Micaela!
agree Alfa Trans (X)
2 hrs
Thank you, Marju!
agree Olga Layer
13 hrs
Thank you, Olga!
agree Patricia Townshend (X)
1 day 4 hrs
Thank you, Patricia!
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