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Feb 20, 2007 17:50
18 yrs ago
2 viewers *
French term
stries de bandes pixellisées banchées en relief
French to English
This is the caption to a photo that I don't have
De la déformation subie par la boîte d’origine pour contenir le programme (en haut à droite), seules persistent les stries de bandes pixellisées banchées en relief.
It concerns the brewerey gymnasium near Brest.
It is a monolithic bunker structure.
I have been unable to find pictures on the internet.
I'm having difficulty getting my head around this, possibly because the end of the day is near and my brain is on strike.
Any help would be appreciated.
De la déformation subie par la boîte d’origine pour contenir le programme (en haut à droite), seules persistent les stries de bandes pixellisées banchées en relief.
It concerns the brewerey gymnasium near Brest.
It is a monolithic bunker structure.
I have been unable to find pictures on the internet.
I'm having difficulty getting my head around this, possibly because the end of the day is near and my brain is on strike.
Any help would be appreciated.
Un soin particulier a été porté à l’acoustique, contrôlée par de justes dispositions de cassettes de Fibrastyrène, en chevrons, faisant écho aux stries extérieures.
It's the "pixellisées" that really throws me.