Feb 1, 2003 18:33
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

Conditions d'attribution PARAGRAPH BELOW

French to English Bus/Financial
L’ensemble des ressources de l’assuré de l’année 2002 ne doit pas dépasser 14 664,38 € + une majoration de 50 % pour le conjoint et par personne à charge.Exceptions : ces prestations sont accordées sans conditions de ressources lorsque l’indication de cure est en relation avec une affection reconnue de longue durée, ou un accident du travail, ou une maladie professionnelle, ou lorsque l’hospitalisation est reconnue justifiée.

Can anyone please offer any suggestions for the above? Many thanks in advance...


Non-ProZ.com Feb 1, 2003:
Apologies Sorry ladies and gents, didn't realise.


Proposed translations

3 mins

eligibility requirements

your text is too long to be translated here (I think)
Peer comment(s):

agree cjohnstone : far too long, just another tought bit clue below
4 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for the email Francis..."
10 mins

pour conditions de ressources you can use (GB) means testing) or income-related subsidies, financial

financial aid
sorry can't do more, the site is not designed for tranlating whole texts or even paragraphs. If i am notmistaken the rule set is a maximum of ten words...bon courage
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14 mins

see explanation below

Grosso modo

To be eligible for medical assistance your income cannot exceed XXX, unless you have a disease requiring longterm treatment, were incapacitated by an occupational accident, have a labor-related illness or require hopitalization, in which case there are no maximum-income requirements

Note added at 2003-02-01 18:49:44 (GMT)

That\'s not an exact translation but a paraphrase that should allow you to do your own translation. The passage is too long to translate here.
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