Feb 14, 2007 11:36
18 yrs ago
2 viewers *
French term

le calcul de la droite des moindres carrés

French to English Tech/Engineering Engineering: Industrial combustion
une corrélation est possible avec les composés de rejets organiques volatils, mais le nombre de résultats ne permet qu'une approximation dans le calcul de la droite dans les moindres carrés
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 least squares line fit
4 calculation of the least squares line


Richard Benham Feb 14, 2007:
Tony. It's just the "line of best fit" (with "best fit" defined as minimum total square error). In other words, it's linear least-squares approximation.
Tony M Feb 14, 2007:
"least-square approximation" is a common calculation technique, but I confess I am mystified by that "calcul de la droite"

Proposed translations

1 hr

least squares line fit

The least-squares line method uses a straight line y=a+bx to approximate the given set of data, (x1,y1) , (x2,y2) , ..., (xn,yn) ...

Least Squares Fit of a Straight Line to Data. The data that I'm trying to fit with a simple straight line might be distance as a function of time, ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Richard Benham : Why not "least-squares fit line"?
4 hrs
Don't you come the least-squares fit line with me again!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks !"
4 hrs

calculation of the least squares line

From a Taylor-Hobson glossary http://www.taylor-hobson.com/glossary.asp?selected=L
"A least squares line is a line through a profile such that the sum of the squares of the deviations of the profile from the mean line are at a minimum.
The most common application of a least squares mean line is to "level" the measured profile by calculation rather than mechanical means."
So now you know, Tony :-) (BTW, me too!)
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