Apr 3, 2013 15:26
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term


French to English Bus/Financial Human Resources Occupational safety
There is no context to speak of. I am translating a list. J.R.S is preceeded by, accidents du travail and followed by risques professionnels. Any ideas? This is parisian French.
Proposed translations (English)
3 days
Change log

Apr 4, 2013 09:36: Jocelyne S changed "Field" from "Social Sciences" to "Bus/Financial" , "Field (specific)" from "Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc." to "Human Resources"


B D Finch Apr 4, 2013:
@Peter Or even " journées de réflexion spirituelle" !
Peter LEGUIE Apr 3, 2013:
Or possibly, "journées de repos sans solde"?
Peter LEGUIE Apr 3, 2013:
Could this possibly stand for "journées de repos salariés"?
isabellefreeman (asker) Apr 3, 2013:
Talking about typos...Sorry about that! I meant to type abbreviation
isabellefreeman (asker) Apr 3, 2013:
It has . between each letter. So it is not an abbroviation of Jours. I suspect it could be a typo. Thank you all for your help. I will contact the client/
writeaway Apr 3, 2013:
since all any of us can do is guess.... agree the Emma. jrs is usually just jours/days (in most versions of French).
Emma Paulay Apr 3, 2013:
Jrs? Is it written exactly like that, in capitals with dots? If not, it could be an abbreviation for "jours". A long shot, I know...

Proposed translations

39 mins


I recently had a French pay slip with j.r.s. con - jours de congé.

Without much context, it's difficult though.

Note added at 41 mins (2013-04-03 16:07:40 GMT)

Ah, just noticed the discussion above with similar explanation. Apologies!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks for taking the time to assist me. "
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