Oct 20, 2008 05:25
16 yrs ago
French term

Platines à boutons

French to English Tech/Engineering IT (Information Technology)

I am unable to understand this term "Platines à boutons" in the following segment:

The use of pad buttons is possible for the processing of the “secured command” or “wire to wire” command type functions.

I guess it as "Pad button".

Thanks in advance.
Manohar ROSHAN
Proposed translations (English)
4 Button panel
4 button pads

Proposed translations

1 hr
French term (edited): Platine à boutons

Button panel

Platine à boutons (trois logiques de fonctionnement, arrêt d’urgence (industrielle) (DYNAMIC)(MARANTEC)) — 1 pièce

Button panel (threepositional with warning stopping (industrial) (DYNAMIC) (MARANTEC) – 1 pcs.

Note added at 1 hr (2008-10-20 06:44:35 GMT)

wikiwords suggests push button plate/panel
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot"
1 hr

button pads

Inverse it.
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