Apr 6, 2011 18:58
13 yrs ago
3 viewers *
French term


Non-PRO French to English Other Sports / Fitness / Recreation
I am translating an adventure holiday website.

There is a section on diving and it mentions the various types of equipment that they provide and I believe that PMT has something to do with the flippers etc but I'm not sure.
The term only appears once: "Le matériel PMT Le centre se fournit auprès de Spiro/Aqualung"

Proposed translations (English)
3 +5 palmes, masque, tuba
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PRO (2): Stéphanie Soudais (X), Evans (X)

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Proposed translations

5 mins

palmes, masque, tuba


Cacher les mots clés - Mise à jour : 21/01/2009

L'abréviation PMT signifie Palmes, Masque, Tuba.
Il s'agit du matériel de base pour faire de la promenade subaquatique. En anglais, et très couramment dans le language des plongeurs, on parle de snorkeling.

Note added at 6 mins (2011-04-06 19:05:10 GMT)


flippers, mask and snorkel

Hotels - [ Translate this page ]
Free activities include: flipper, mask and snorkel rental, Kayaks and Polynesian ... Les activités gratuites couvrent : location de palmes, masque et tuba, ...
go-fly-travel.fr/etape2h_bis.cfm?ville_hotel=PAPEETE... - Cached
Peer comment(s):

agree Tony M : Well found Liz! NB: the term 'flippers' is deprecated by 'real' divers, I believe they call them 'fins' !
0 min
Have done:)/tee hee!
agree Ingeborg Gowans (X) : yes, w/ Tony; my son is into diving, and "fins" would be preferred/ good research btw
9 mins
Fins it is then, never come across this! Still I am rather middle-aged now:)
agree Nikki Scott-Despaigne : Yes, "fins mask and snorkel", aka "snorkeling gear". (I'm a level 3 scuba diver CEDIP, FFESSM, ANMP = Rescue Diver (PADI)).// Started the level 4/DIvemaster but ran out of "pocket money" at the time to pay for it.... one day... =)
17 mins
Fine. Congratulations! Fantastic, we need people like you...keep up the good work!
agree angelique faure
40 mins
agree Catharine Cellier-Smart
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."

Reference comments

32 mins

Refs PMT

La randonnée subaquatique, également dénommée "randonnée palmée", se définit comme une
«promenade de surface» en milieu naturel, muni de Palmes, Masque et Tuba (PMT) et souvent d'un
vêtement néoprène, avec la possibilité d'effectuer des plongées en apnée plus ou moins fréquentes et profondes.
Les clubs associatifs et les SCA de la FFESSM organisent les activités de randonnée subaquatique en
prenant en compte les préconisations fédérales décrites ci-dessous.

Mask – Allows your eyes to see clearly underwater.

Snorkel – Lets you breathe at the surface with your face in the water without wasting air from your scuba unit.

Fins – Allow you to swim using only your powerful leg muscles.
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