Mar 12, 2001 09:01
23 yrs ago
58 viewers *
French term

voirie et réseaux divers

French to English Tech/Engineering
From a document describing a civil engineering and construction trade show. Termium defines VRD but gives no English equivalent. Two ideas: "civil engineering" or "roads (or roadwork) and infrastructure." Context: it appears in a table under the heading "specialite des entrepreneurs"; the other two fields are "terrassement" and "batiment." Thanks for any ideas. Karen
Change log

Jan 7, 2011 09:48: Stéphanie Soudais (X) changed "Term asked" from "voirie et reseaux divers URGENT" to "voirie et reseaux divers "

Jan 7, 2011 09:48: Stéphanie Soudais (X) changed "Term asked" from "voirie et reseaux divers " to "voirie et réseaux divers "

Proposed translations

20 mins


"VRD" is one of those typically French bureaucratic terms/phrases.

In English Engineering tradition, it encompasses all the following:
- Road (re)furbishment
- Infrastructure
- Utilities (Gas, Electricity, Telephone, Water)

Hope this will help you "coin" an acceptable rendering.

R. Titouah
Peer comment(s):

disagree B D Finch : The inclusion of "infrastructure" is a mistake, as that is a much broader remit than VRD. Far from being "bureaucratic", "VRD" is admirably concise.
6450 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for the helpful explanation. I ended up using, "roads, infrastructure and utilities." Karen"
30 mins

roads and other urban infrastructures

If it is applied to companies/business/contractors who work in this field, what about "roads and other urban infrascructures"? Depending of course on how you dealt with "terrassement" and "batiment"...

The first explanation was very complete but I just wanted to add that "voirie" can ALSO refer to "refuse collection" in the very specialised jargons of urban social development and/or sanitation.
(Not that I think this applies given what you said about the context.)
Peer comment(s):

disagree B D Finch : The inclusion of "infrastructure" is a mistake, as that is a much broader remit than VRD. It absolutely CANNOT refer to "refuse collection" and has nothing directly to do with "urban social development".
6450 days
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35 mins

roads and utilities

Means all pathways, electricity, telephone,gas, water, sewers and any other systems which are part of the site's infrastructure
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37 mins

general [or "various"] transportation systems and infrastructure

"voirie" may include "roadwork" (track beds, etc.) for rail or other systems, but this might not be intuited in the English term.

Other possibilities include "highway" systems, "street" systems, and "public works", which, like "civil engineering" takes in such non-transportation construction as dams, landfills, etc.

"Rights of way" is another term that takes in more of the general notion of "way", but emphasizes legal concepts rather than construction.

"Routes", likewise would be closer to the fundamental meaning of "voiries", but in English doesn't tend to focus so much on the infrastructure...


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