Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

beef cow (as opposed to a dairy cow)

Added to glossary by John Speese
Dec 7, 2006 08:10
18 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term


German to English Marketing Agriculture
Die Mutterkuhhaltung ist besonders für Nebenerwerbslandwirte und für die extensive Grünlandbewirtschaftung ein interessantes Produktionsverfahren.

-> ist das "breeding cow"?
Proposed translations (English)
5 beef cow
4 +3 suckler cow

Proposed translations

5 hrs

beef cow

Mutterkuhe are cows raised for beef, i.e., calf, production, rather than milk. I did a "Praktikum" on a "Gutshof" dedicated to Mutterkuhhaltung. The calves were also finished on this farm as well. Suckler cow may be correct, but I'd say beef cow, especially for US audiences. The cows on this farm were known as "deutsche Angus," which are mostly Aberdeen angus but with some Simmental and Gelbvieh blood as well, and these breeds are beef, rather than dairy, breeds.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Cetacea : That may well be, but not every beef cow is kept in a suckler herd. // I'd agree with cow-calf operation.
45 mins
True, and in that case I'd say a cow-calf operation...suckler herd seems to be a British term and US readers wouldn't know it, which is why I said beef cow. But if your audience is British, suckler cow is OK.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
16 mins

suckler cow


Mutterkuh – Geburtsanzeichen – Vulva – Vestibulum
Suckler cow – signs of preparation for calving – vulva – vestibulum

Achilles, W. (1997). Model houses for suckler cow herds: Unconventional ideas are in demand. [Musterstaelle fuer Mutterkuh-Herden: Unkonventionelle Ideen sind gefragt.] Rinderwelt, 22 (4): 8, 10-15, ISSN: 0720-1656.
Keywords: beef cattle cows, animal housing, husbandry, equipment, costs, investment requirements, German language, Germany.

TERM zusätzliche Prämie für die Mutterkuhhaltung
TERM additional premium for suckler cow
Peer comment(s):

agree sylvie malich (X) : Here's a reference to support your suggestion that does not contain a German or questionable EU translation: farmed/cattle/booklets/pb6491.pdf
19 mins
thanks for the informative link
agree Sandra SAYN (X)
4 hrs
agree Cetacea
5 hrs
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