Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

schlüsselfertiges Ausbauhaus

English translation:

turnkey house with interior self-build kit (watch out for tricky contract terms)

Added to glossary by Victor Dewsbery
Apr 12, 2005 02:33
19 yrs ago
8 viewers *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Architecture
Part of a specs list in a table from an architectural construction contract. "Schlüsselfertiges Ausbauhaus". I know what's meant, but can't think of the right term. Too early :-) Help, anybody?
No more context, I'm afraid.

Discussion Apr 12, 2005:
Thanks to all for your help!

Proposed translations

5 hrs

turnkey house (with interior self-build kit -- careful, sounds tricky)

You could be dealing with a tricky contract here, so be careful to ensure that you get the bits about liability, project description, terms of payment, terms of delivery etc. spot-on.
Reason: schlüsselfertig literally means "ready to occupy", and "Ausbauhaus" means a house in which the buyer does specific areas of the internal finishing work (probably with a self-build kit supplied by the building company). The two concepts don't easily fit together.
The second web reference quotes possible loopholes in the contract.
The first website suggests that the house with the interior self-build kit (Ausbauhaus) can also be supplied as a finished house (i.e. the builder does all the interior work, so the buyer gets the house ready to move in after all). But it's important to read the contract as a whole and find out what is meant.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks Victor - it was tricky :-)"
1 hr

partial finish construction

I find a little discrepancy in the combination of Schlüsselfertiges Ausbauhaus, as schlüsselfertig (turn-key)normally indicates that the house is ready to move in. But there seem to be different definitions now. Regarding the option for doing your own work inside the house, the partial finish is very commmon in the US (usually interior finishing, room partitions etc.) Do-it-yourself could also work.
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2 hrs

ready to occupy construction

you can also say turnkey consutruction meaning the building is ready in all respects
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