This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Aug 13, 2012 08:36
12 yrs ago
German term


German to English Social Sciences Business/Commerce (general) Coaching/Psychology/Socio
"Wenn im QM reflektiert wird, warum ein Arbeitsprozess im Coaching auf eine bestimmte Weise gestaltet ist oder ob er für eine Coaching-Leistung förderlich oder hinderlich ist, dann wird das QM als kontinuierlich unterstützende ***Reflexionsfunktion*** etabliert, und es kann dazu beitragen, das Handeln des Coachs und der Organisationsmitglieder konsequent auf „gelungenes Coaching“ auszurichten."

I always have a problem when "Funktion" is used in this way. I've considered "tool for reflection" or "serves the function of faciltating/promoting reflection." Any ideas?
Proposed translations (English)
3 +1 analytical and evaluative function


TechLawDC Aug 14, 2012:
Using "function" as a verb is fine, as Asker sugge Using "function" as a verb is fine, as Asker suggests. (Sorry, my last translation was 30000 words about computer science, where "functions" are everywhere.)

Proposed translations

48 mins

analytical and evaluative function

(Not stated by strongly implied.)
Note from asker:
My problem is more with the "Funktion" part of the word. Maybe I can get around my problem with this word by breaking it up and saying that the "QM will be established to function as a continuous support for..." reflection/analysis/evaluation.. I feel much more comfortable using function as a verb or to say s.t. is a function of s.t. else, rather than just saying it is a function.
Peer comment(s):

agree Susan Welsh
1 hr
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