Feb 20, 2007 10:20
18 yrs ago
52 viewers *
German term

Berufsfachschule vs. Fachschule

German to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy
As far as I know, this specific difference does not exist in the English speaking world - both would be commensurate with a "vocational school". However, as both occur in my translation, I have to find alternative terms for each, and was thinking of "vocational school" for "Fachschule" and "professional/applied vocatinal school" for "Berufsfachschule". Does anybody have any suggestions, or can anybody explain the precise difference between the two types of school? Thanks in advance :)


Frances Bryce Feb 23, 2007:
I just noticed your posting about point sharing. Is this possible on this site. I have wanted to do it a few times but have never been able to work out how!!!
Tim Jenkins Feb 21, 2007:
Pernickity me, and I know Savita did much work here, but wouldn't points shared be fairer, seeing as you chose my suggestion? Don't worry, I'll not slit my wrists if you don't agree. Just wondered. Cheers.
Brendan Bleheen (asker) Feb 20, 2007:
Thanks Thank you both for your help! I'll go with professional schools and vocational schools
Savita - it's good to finally know the real difference!

Proposed translations

14 mins


The difference that I found out is:

BERUFSFACHSCHULE führt zu einem deutschlandweit anerkannten Berufsabschluss. Die Ausbildung dauert in der Regel zwei bis drei Jahre.

FACHSCHULEN sind Einrichtungen der beruflichen Weiterbildung. Sie bieten Fachkräften mit abgeschlossener Berufsausbildung und beruflichen Erfahrungen Abschlüsse, die sie für Tätigkeiten im mittleren Funktionsbereich zwischen Facharbeitern/Fachangestellten und Hochschulabsolventen befähigen

Source: http://www.sachsen-macht-schule.de/sabw/br_bildungswege_72.p...

Note added at 1 hr (2007-02-20 12:15:02 GMT)

You can differentiate like this:
FACHSCHULEN --> General Vocational Schools
BERUFSFACHSCHULE --> Specialised Vocational Schools

Note added at 1 hr (2007-02-20 12:16:47 GMT)

Sorry for the extra 'N' in Fachschule. ;)

Note added at 2 hrs (2007-02-20 12:20:57 GMT)

i think m all confused....Sorry for the missing 'N' in Berufsfachschule . ;)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for your help!"
1 hr

professional and vocational schools

A difficult one this and I agree with everything you say above. Fachschulen do not neccesarily lead to a professional qualification, so I would simply call them "vocational schools" unless you would like to go for the contrived "pre-professional vocational school".
Berufsfachschulen could be called "professional vocational schools", as you suggested, or simply "professional schools".

Note added at 1 hr (2007-02-20 11:42:42 GMT)

Note from asker:
Hi Tim Sorry that I'm only getting around to answering your note now, I've been pretty busy... I eventually actually used savita's suggestion (which came later in a note I hadn't seen on first replying) - sorry about the confusion. Also I still haven't been able to find the share points function...
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