May 18, 2005 00:51
19 yrs ago
17 viewers *
German term
German to English
Finance (general)
Uebersteigt der fuer die Erhaltung der Beteiligungsquote verwendete oder bereitgestellte Betrag die Hoechstgrenze, ist auch in den Folgejahren eine Zufuehrung zu der freien Ruecklage erst wieder moeglich, wenn die fuer eine freie Ruecklage verwendbaren Mittel insgesamt die fuer die Erhaltung der Beteiligungsquote verwendeten oder bereitgestellten Mittel uebersteigen.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
6 mins
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "thank you"
3 mins
42 mins
Controlling share
Can we say controlling share or participation share (in other words rights)?......
6 hrs
7 hrs
percentage/proportional (share)holding/interest
'if the amount used or earmarked for maintaining the percentage shareholding exceeds...'
only problem is that 'Beteiligungen', while conveying an equity interest, are frequently structured as subordinated or participating loans etc, so if we're not talking about shares you might want to say 'proportional interest' or similar
only problem is that 'Beteiligungen', while conveying an equity interest, are frequently structured as subordinated or participating loans etc, so if we're not talking about shares you might want to say 'proportional interest' or similar
10 hrs
equity interest
he will take back an ownership or equity interest, signifying that he is as an ... In return for this ownership or equity interest
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