This question was closed without grading. Reason: Errant question
Feb 14, 2007 21:31
18 yrs ago
4 viewers *
German term

KG mbH aA

German to English Law/Patents Law (general) Legal forms
And last but not least. How on earth do I describe (in brief) what a Kommanditgesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung auf Aktien (KG mbH aA) ist?

So far I have concocted "Commercial Partnership limited by shares" which leaves out the "mbH" methinks. Hohum.

The "company" we are talking about is a German football club. And they say footie is fun, eh? ;-)


Natalie Wilcock (X) (asker) Feb 14, 2007:
KG mbH aA vs GmbH & Co KG aA I didn't realise that these are supposed to be the same from a legal point. I thought that a "Kommanditgesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung auf Aktion" should be a different legal form to a "Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung & Co KG aA". Hence my post. Sorry if this is double. Thanks for pointing it out.
Stephen Sadie Feb 14, 2007:
we had this before, natalie
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