Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

EA Summen- und Saldenliste

English translation:

general ledger list of income statement accounts

Added to glossary by Ted Wozniak
Aug 19, 2012 14:55
12 yrs ago
6 viewers *
German term

EA Summen- und Saldenliste

German to English Bus/Financial Law (general) Insolvency
It's the heading of a tabulation of monetary transactions (income/expenses/fees/monetized objects/foreclosure sales/court costs/distribution percentages to creditors etc.

Cannot find a convincing translation in google or Eichborn. Also, what does the EA stand for?

Is just a Consolidated Assets and Liabilities List
Change log

Aug 24, 2012 13:46: Ted Wozniak Created KOG entry


BrigitteHilgner Aug 19, 2012:
Mit Coqueiro Das scheint mir die einzige sinnvolle Erklärung in dem Zusammenhang.
Coqueiro Aug 19, 2012:
EA steht für Einnahmen/Ausgaben. Siehe auch hier:

Proposed translations

1 hr

general ledger list of income statement accounts

SuS-Liste was discussed on Finanztrans back in 2009.

Although SAP calls this a "trial balance", a real trial balance has 2 columns showing whether the amounts were debits or credits. This list just shows the figures without indicating if they are debits/credits.

Rather than calling it a "totals and balances list", the suggestion was to call it a general ledger list of income statement accounts. I'm not quite happy with that but I can't think if any better either.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanx"
18 hrs

GL List if sums and balances

GL = general ledger
The rest is self-explanatory.
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