Oct 8, 2000 14:21
24 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

Rechnung und Namen

German to English Law/Patents
A franchisor may continue running a franchisee's business for his heirs after the franchisee's death: "gegen Entgelt den Betrieb fuer RECHNUNG UND NAMEN aller Erben selbst betreiben."
Proposed translations (English)
0 for the account and in the name of; in the name and on behalf of

Proposed translations

13 mins

for the account and in the name of; in the name and on behalf of

Based on separate entries in Romain for "für Rechnung" and "im [but not "für"] Namen," I would suggest either "for the account and in the name of" or, based on Romain's entry for "im Namen und für Rechnung des Unternehmers," "in the name and on behalf of."

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