Apr 18, 2005 13:25
19 yrs ago
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Law: Taxation & Customs
Transparente Personen als Zuflussempfänger
Proposed translations (English)
2 recipient of foreign exchange


Non-ProZ.com Apr 18, 2005:
More Context Das Wort ist im Titel "Transparente Personen als Zuflussempf�nger" des folgenden Absatzes:

Soweit f�r steuerlich transparente Personen (z.B. Personengesellschaften, Trusts, Estates) Antr�ge gestellt werden, sind erh�hte Anforderungen zu beachten (vergleiche Staatenleitfaden zum DTV), insbesondere weitere Unterlagen zu verwahren.
Steffen Walter Apr 18, 2005:
Please provide more context - a paragraph or two would do no harm :-)

Proposed translations

48 mins
German term (edited): Zuflussempf�nger

recipient of foreign exchange

with Steffen: a bit more context would help, but if it has to do with customs it might be the above?
Something went wrong...
Comment: "Actually, I think that "dividend" or "profit" recipient would do better."
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