Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

aus dieser Versicherung steuerrechtlich maßgeblichen Bruttorente

English translation:

tax relevant gross insurance pension

Added to glossary by Sabine Ehgoetz
Nov 24, 2009 03:39
15 yrs ago
German term

aus dieser Versicherung steuerrechtlich maßgeblichen Bruttorente

German to English Law/Patents Law: Taxation & Customs Rentenversicherung
Bitte benachrichtigen Sie uns, wenn Sie für die Einkommenssteuererklärung eine Bescheinigung über die Höhe der aus dieser Versicherung steuerrechtlich maßgeblichen Bruttorente benötigen.

??? Please notify us, if you need a written confirmation of the gross pension payment amount fiscally decisive from this insurance. ???
Change log

Nov 24, 2009 05:02: Hans G. Liepert changed "Language pair" from "English to German" to "German to English"

Proposed translations

13 hrs

tax relevant gross insurance pension

that part of the gross insurance return which is subject to taxation

Note added at 5 days (2009-11-29 17:43:22 GMT) Post-grading

Thanks, Sabine
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I went with this one, thanks so much for helping out"
1 hr

gross pension received from this insurance and

relevant for tax purposes

IMO this is all that is said here, the German is very pompous
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