May 10, 2005 12:25
19 yrs ago
46 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical Medical (general) Orthopaedics
In an orthopaedic medical report, in the section on gait and posture, the term

"Passgerecht anliegendes HE-Mieder. Weitgehend Beckengeradstand. Ausgeprägter paravertebraler Muskelhartspann linksbetont. Wirbelsäule im sagittalen und frontalem Profil im Lot. " appears.

Thanks very much for your suggestions!


Proposed translations

3 mins

pelvis remains natural / is neutral


Note added at 3 mins (2005-05-10 12:29:23 GMT)

not ***natural*** but ***neutral***
Peer comment(s):

agree Sarada Ramesh : median position of the pelvis
13 hrs
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
21 hrs

level pelvis

in contrast for pelvis obliquity etc.:

see as refs."level pelvis"&ie=UT...
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