Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

hilifugale Streifenzeichnung

English translation:

hilar streaking

Added to glossary by quirite
Aug 20, 2007 14:12
17 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term

hilifugale Streifenzeichnung

German to English Medical Medical (general) Radiology
This is the sentence from a findings report of a chest X-ray:

Seitengleiche Belüftung beider Lungenflügel mit *hilifugaler Streifenzeichnung* und peripher mäßigen Obstruktionszeichen.

Many thanks in advance for your help !
Proposed translations (English)
3 hilar streaking
4 +1 hilifugal striae
4 streaky markings spreading out from the hilum

Proposed translations

1 hr

hilar streaking the term I am familiar with in the context

Google for:
"hilar streaking"
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot for your support"
1 hr

hilifugal striae

Just found it on impulse: Streifen = striae
Peer comment(s):

agree milinad
13 hrs
neutral MMUlr : Only 1 hit in MEDLINE, related to a 1979 article in a Swiss journal?
1 day 21 hrs
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1 hr

streaky markings spreading out from the hilum

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