Jul 22, 2010 16:43
14 yrs ago
8 viewers *
German term
German to English
Medical (general)
Neuro-Befund on a stoke patient.
"Muskeleigenreflexe beidseits lebhaft auslösbar, Babinski rechts positiv. Knips bds negativ."
"Muskeleigenreflexe beidseits lebhaft auslösbar, Babinski rechts positiv. Knips bds negativ."
Proposed translations
3 | Hoffmann's (sign of) reflex | casper (X) |
3 | digital reflex/Hoffman's sign (s.u.) | Marga Shaw |
Proposed translations
1 hr
Hoffmann's (sign of) reflex
Bei Dorsalextension der Hand wird das Endglied des Mittel- oder Zeigefingers des Patienten von unten flektiert, die Nägel der genannten
Finger werden vom Daumen des Untersuchers nach volar durch eine
schnellende Bewegung „geknipst“ (Hoffmann-Reflex, Knipsreflex)
Hoffmann's reflex
Finger reflex for hyper-reflexia. Flicking or nipping the nail of either the second, third or fourth finger will, if the reflex is present, cause a flexion of these fingers and maybe the thumb. Its presence indicates tendon reflexes are hyperactive. Occurs with any cause of hyper-reflexia including upper motor neurone lesions.
The sign is associated with Werdnig-Hoffmann syndrome. Although Hoffmann discussed this reflex in his teaching and used it in clinical practice, he never mentioned it in his publications. This reflex was eventually documented in the literature by his pupil, Hans Curschmann (1875-1950), and became known as Hoffmann's sign of reflex.
Bei Dorsalextension der Hand wird das Endglied des Mittel- oder Zeigefingers des Patienten von unten flektiert, die Nägel der genannten
Finger werden vom Daumen des Untersuchers nach volar durch eine
schnellende Bewegung „geknipst“ (Hoffmann-Reflex, Knipsreflex)
Hoffmann's reflex
Finger reflex for hyper-reflexia. Flicking or nipping the nail of either the second, third or fourth finger will, if the reflex is present, cause a flexion of these fingers and maybe the thumb. Its presence indicates tendon reflexes are hyperactive. Occurs with any cause of hyper-reflexia including upper motor neurone lesions.
The sign is associated with Werdnig-Hoffmann syndrome. Although Hoffmann discussed this reflex in his teaching and used it in clinical practice, he never mentioned it in his publications. This reflex was eventually documented in the literature by his pupil, Hans Curschmann (1875-1950), and became known as Hoffmann's sign of reflex.
1 hr
digital reflex/Hoffman's sign (s.u.)
* auch Fingerflexorenreflex, Trömner-Reflex (benannt nach Ernst L. O. Trömner), Knips-Reflex, Kino-Reflex, Mayerscher Grundgelenkreflex, Hoffmann-Reflex
Fingerbeugereflex = digital reflex, Trömner's sign, Hoffman's reflex, Trömner's reflex, Hoffmann's sign, snapping reflex
(Reuter, Med. Wörterbuch)
Fingerbeugereflex = digital reflex, Hoffmann's reflex
(Bunjes, Wörterbuch der Medizin und Pharmazeutik)
digital reflex = Hoffmann's sign
(Dorland's Medical Dictionary)
Hoffmann's sign: 2. in hemiplegia, a sudden nipping of the nail of the index, middle, or ring finger will produce flexion of the terminal phalanx of the thumb and of the second and third phlanages of some other finger; called also digital reflex, Hoffman's reflex and Trömner's sign.
(Dorland's Medical Dictionary)
Note added at 1 hr (2010-07-22 18:12:24 GMT)
Finger Flexors
There is no precise hand equivalent for the plantar response, however, finger flexor reflexes can help demonstrate hyperreflexia in the upper extremities. Test finger flexors by tapping gently on the palm with the reflex hammer. Alternatively, heightened reflexes can be demonstrated by the presence of Hoffmann's sign. You can elicit this sign by holding the patient's middle finger loosely and flicking the fingernail downward, causing the finger to rebound slightly into extension. If the thumb flexes and adducts in response, Hoffmann's sign is present.
The Hoffmann sign has been in clinical use for approximately one hundred years. It was initially taught by Johann Hoffmann at the end of the nineteenth century and described in the literature by his assistant Curschmann in 1911.1 It was felt to be a test for disease of the corticospinal pathways. It has also been described as the digital reflex, the snapping reflex, Tromner's sign and Jakobson's sign.
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