Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
English translation:
loading characteristics
Added to glossary by
Phillip Rogers
Jun 6, 2003 11:29
21 yrs ago
German term
German to English
Quality Assessment - Haemostatic Sponges
"Die Leistungsbeurteilung beinhaltet die Festlegung von Dosisgrenzen für das Produkt, die Beladungsstruktur des Produktes, Angaben zu Bestrahlungsbehältern, die Erfassung der Dosisverteilung und eine Verfahrensspezifikation."
From a text about a quality assessment validation report for haemostatic sponges.
I'm not sure what to call "Beladungsstruktur". There is only one search engine hit for this word (albeit in the right sort of context), and needless to say the dictionaries are giving away nothing. (Mind you, Laixicon is down, so it may have something.)
Anyone here know what the "Beladungsstruktur" of a medical product/device might be in English? TIA for your help.
By the way, if anyone here hasn't yet seen my "Quellenladung" question, I would greatly appreciate some help with that too. Ta.
From a text about a quality assessment validation report for haemostatic sponges.
I'm not sure what to call "Beladungsstruktur". There is only one search engine hit for this word (albeit in the right sort of context), and needless to say the dictionaries are giving away nothing. (Mind you, Laixicon is down, so it may have something.)
Anyone here know what the "Beladungsstruktur" of a medical product/device might be in English? TIA for your help.
By the way, if anyone here hasn't yet seen my "Quellenladung" question, I would greatly appreciate some help with that too. Ta.
Proposed translations
5 | loading characteristics |
Phillip Rogers
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4 | perhaps |
gangels (X)
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Proposed translations
7 hrs
loading characteristics
Trust me, I'm a doctor. :-)
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "A more detailed answer (i.e. making a case for your suggestion and explaining why "loading characteristics" would be correct in this context) would have got you the maximum points. As it stands, I am not convinced beyond doubt about this term, so you only get 3, and I'm not entering it in the glossary. However, my own research of "Struktur" has revealed that it can mean things like "format" or "pattern", so "characteristics" is not too much of a stretch from there. For this job, it'll have to do. Thanks Doc. :-) And thanks also to Klaus for having a go. No thanks, however, to the peer graders, who failed to materialise. A few "agrees" one way or the other could have been of enormous benefit here. Never mind. Guess I'll just have to take the Doc's word on this occasion. :-)"
2 hrs
quality assessment comprises the allocation of dosage limits, the product's capacity for absorption, details on radiation receptacles and compilation of dosage distribution...
somehow, the English 'structure' sounds out of place
Note added at 2003-06-06 14:37:52 (GMT)
or product\'s adsorptive qualities
somehow, the English 'structure' sounds out of place
Note added at 2003-06-06 14:37:52 (GMT)
or product\'s adsorptive qualities
This sucks.
Sorry, I shouldn't be rude - you don't have to answer, of course, and maybe no answer is better than one that's, if you'll pardon a slightly crude Down Under expression, about as much use as tits on a bull.
Been a long rough day, so I'm hitting the sack. Take care all - I'm sure I'll be feeling much better tomorrow (especially if there are some answers!).
What hope have I got with this word if nobody else knows what it means either?