Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

thalamotomy or thalamectomy ?

Added to glossary by Evert DELOOF-SYS
May 23, 2001 18:36
23 yrs ago
German term


German to English Medical
Unilaterale Asterixis konnte kontralateral nach Laesionen im Thalamus, capsula interna, frontalen und paristalem Kortex gesehen werden, wobei die Laesionen mit nachfolgender Asterixis in 9 Patienten mit stereotaktischen ventrolateralen Thelatomien anzunehmen sein duerfen.

Unilateral Asterixis was noted controlaterally following lesions to the thalamus, the internal capsule, and frontal and parietal cortex. In these cases, the most circumscribed lesions, with subsequent asterixis, in 9 patients, may be assumed to be due to stereotractic, ventro-lateral (?).

(Note: "Thelatomien [or Thalatomien] is in none of my dictionaries; there is "thalamotonies")

Proposed translations

1 hr

thalamotomy or thalamectomy ?

That would be my guess. No hits at all on Thelatomie (none of my medical dictionaries list the term, either), but I did get quite a few hits on ventri-lateral thalamotomy (see below).

I'd say that this is a safe assumption if your text deals with treatment of Parkinson's or therapies for severe pain.

Thalamo|tomie (­; -tom*) f: stereotaktische Operation* mit Koagulation von Kerngebieten des Thalamus bei anders nicht beeinflußbaren Schmerzen, v. a. Anaesthesia dolorosa, Zoster-Neuralgie, Phantomschmerzen, sympathischer Reflexdystrophie, Tumorschmerzen; Kompl.: Schädigung der Pyramidenbahn, Dysästhesie, Ataxie, Apathie.
(deutsch) Thalamotomie
(englisch) thalamotomy, thalamectomy

... out in 11 consecutive patients with MS before and after ventro- lateral thalamotomy. Thalamotomy was significantly more effective if pa- tients had disruptive ...

... room for the last 24 cases for postero-ventral pallidotomies and ventro-lateral (VL) thalamotomies. The technique has been helpful in confirming physiological ...

... Threshold stimulation of the lateral thalamus and globus pallidus ... sclerosis by stereotaxic thalamotomy. Confinia Neurol 22 ... array of the ventro-oral nucleus of ... -

Hope this helps somewhat...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 hrs


1. Movement Disorders Center--Glenbrook Hospital
... for controlling the symptoms of Parkinson's disease including Pallidotomy, Thalatomy, thalamic, sub-thalamic and pallidal stimulators, are continually being ...

2. Thalatomy in HD
Thalatomy in HD. ... Thalatomy has been abandoned years ago - it's no good and has show serious risks: death, hemiparesis. Don't do this to your brain! ...

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1 day 6 hrs


Definition: Stereotaktische Hirnoperation (Elektrokoagulation) im Thalamus; v.a. beim Parkinson-Syndrom und schweren, anders nicht beeinflussbaren Schmerzen.
E: thalamotomy
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