Aug 27, 2007 08:37
17 yrs ago
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Metallurgy / Casting
Source: Wir bieten auch korrosions- und hitzebeständige Edelstähle in Normal- aber auch Spezialgüten wie den 1.4529 oder 1.4462 an.

Can "Güte" simply be translated as "quality" or "performance" here?

Proposed translations

9 mins

special grade

I think "grade" is the term you are searching for here.

... corrosion- and heat-resistant stainless steels of normal and special grades, such as ...
Peer comment(s):

agree aruna yallapragada
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "They were both good--I liked this one the best, though. Thanks!"
23 mins

special quality

In the UK, EAFs are used to produce special quality steels (steels alloyed with ... which has chromium and nickel added to form a corrosion-resistant steel. ...

Note added at 8 hrs (2007-08-27 16:58:38 GMT)

Both "grade" and "quality" are used for this. My biggest steel-producing customer, however, uses "special quality". You should probably ask the client if he or she has a preference.
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