Oct 21, 2008 14:09
16 yrs ago
German term


German to English Art/Literary Music Musical history
I am having real difficulty with this description of Zillig's Verlaine songs:
"melancholisch, in sich gekehrt, eine späte, von der Moderne durchdrungene Reminiszenz an die Romantik und stille Ode auch an Frankreich".
So far, I have written:
"melancholy, introverted, a late ode to France, reminiscent of the Romantic movement permeated by the Modern"
but obviously, that isn't quite spot on, especially as it omits the quiet or calmness of the ode.


David Williams (asker) Oct 21, 2008:
2nd draft melancholy, introverted, quiet, a late ode to France, reminiscent of the Romantic movement but permeated by the Modern

Proposed translations

1 day 3 hrs

reminiscent of French romanticism

a gentle, melancholy and introverted ode, reminiscent of French romanticism whilst also suffused with modernism

('calm', if your prefer to translate 'still' more literally)

I agree with you that we should avoid tacking on the 'stille Ode auch an Frankreich' at the end, as the German rather awkwardly does. The Reminiszenz is both an die Romantik and to France so I combine the two for a more natural flow. I have sacrificed spät as the word reminiscence already makes clear that the Romantic period is long gone!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks!"
32 mins

reminiscence of the Romantic period

My feeble attempt.

melancholy, introverted, a late reminiscence of the Romantic period, permeated by the Modern and a quiet ode to France as well

Note added at 41 mins (2008-10-21 14:51:07 GMT)

Perhaps "introspective" for "in sich gekehrt"
Peer comment(s):

neutral Stephen Roche : Moderne = Modernism
2 hrs
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2 hrs

A late return to Romanticism

...melancholy and self-absorbed, a late return to Romanticism that is nonetheless suffused with Modernism; and a quiet ode to France.

I don't think Reminiszenz should be translated directly here
Peer comment(s):

agree Graham Timmins : I like 'suffused' especially
1 day 45 mins
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3 hrs

a harking back to the Romantic period

yet (thoroughly) imbued with modernism; a late, quiet ode...

not quite sure whether it is the whole sentence or just a bit of it
Peer comment(s):

agree Graham Timmins : I like 'harking back' though I couldn't fit it in to a sentence myself
1 day 18 mins
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