Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

die aufführende Musikpraxis

English translation:

(here) performers

Added to glossary by Kieran McCann
Nov 17, 2004 13:13
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

für die aufführende Musikpraxis einzigartig

German to English Art/Literary Music
Für die Musikwissenschaft ebenso wie für die aufführende Musikpraxis einzigartig sind die Funde von 3 Opern italienischer Meister, die man bisher für unwiederbringlich verloren glaubte.

Not sure what they mean by "Musikpraxis" here. Also, would you agree that "exciting" sounds more natural in this context than the German "unique" ("einzigartig")? Thanks.

Proposed translations

1 day 47 mins

of unique importance for musicologists and performers alike

Attempts to elaborate on 'performers' just muddy the waters, I suspect, and 'practising musicians' might imply they haven't got their scales right yet...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to everyone."
6 mins

extraordinary for the field of performance music

'extraordinary' is better than 'exciting'
Peer comment(s):

disagree Francis Lee (X) : "performance music" sounds like Yoko Ono playing a triangle with an I-Pod next to a cactus in the Sahara, not Verdi
4 mins
Nice one Franny! I'd be upset if it had come from someone else. Do you think 'performed music' is OK?
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7 mins

music performers

might work here; einzigartig: very important/of great importance
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8 mins
German term (edited): f�r die auff�hrende Musikpraxis einzigartig

For academics, artists and opera directors alike, ... an invaluable discovery

"artists" is not strictly accurate, hence the "directors" to cover everybody (except for the tea lady, perhaps)
Peer comment(s):

agree Frosty : Aren`t they `artistes´. Artists are those with dirty smocks, berets and paintbrushes, aren`t they?
1 hr
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15 mins

... unique for the praxis of music performance

as in concerts

Note added at 43 mins (2004-11-17 13:56:31 GMT)

.. for the performing world of music...

Note added at 7 hrs 24 mins (2004-11-17 20:37:40 GMT)

Adapted From: WordNet 2.0 Copyright 2003 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

praxis [præksɪs]
A noun
1 practice, praxis

translating an idea into action; \"a hard theory to put into practice\"; \"differences between theory and praxis of ...
Peer comment(s):

disagree Francis Lee (X) : praxis? with a confidence rating of 5?
3 hrs
read the note above
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