Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

area of land covered with pioneer vegetation

May 6, 2002 15:21
22 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term


German to English Other environment /reforestation
Disused quarries are being allowed to revert to a near-natural condition:

"Im Steinbruch XXXXX werden Teilbereiche der natürlichen Sukzession überlassen. Großflächig haben sich schüttere Pionierfluren ausgebildet."

The basic sense is clear: plants, especially young trees, have taken root and started to "recolonise"" the land. But is there a simple translation for "Pionierflur"?

(Elsewhere in the text, there is talk of "Pionierbaumarten". Does this simply mean "any hardy tree that can flourish in tough conditions"?)

Thanks in advance for any help.

Proposed translations

17 mins

pioneer vegetation

A pioneer vegetation does not normally contain trees, just simple hardy herbs and grasses, then later during the succession shrubs and then trees.

Pioneer trees are only certain tree species, e.g. birches, which grow on poor soil and are then followed by other tree species, which need better soil etc.

I would translate your sentence as follows: Certain parts of the quarry are left to reconolication via natural succession. Extensive areas are now sparsely covered with pioneer vegetation OR Sparse pioneer communities have formed on large areas.

I checked the terms in 'Biologisches Woerterbuch' by E.Launert, but as a biologist I am also doing survey work.

I hope this helps.


Note added at 2002-05-06 17:08:41 (GMT)

Ups, I typed to quick: it should be: are left for recolonisation via...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much for both the translation and the explanation. Thanks also to jjcantrell and all who replied."
9 mins

pioneer species

Eurodicautom for Pionierbaumart with this definition:

by further extension,a species planted to prepare a site for a succession species,and therefore constituting a nurse crop

Also, see the link.

Note added at 2002-05-06 15:34:42 (GMT)

Eurodicautom gives \"open pasture land\" for \"Flur\" so you might use pioneer meadow or some such for your problem now.

Note added at 2002-05-06 15:34:47 (GMT)

Eurodicautom gives \"open pasture land\" for \"Flur\" so you might use pioneer meadow or some such for your problem now.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Barbara Schulten, MSc (OXON), DPSI : A species could be a plant, an animal, a bacterium etc., it should be pioneer tree
9 mins
may be true for 'species' but 'pioneer species' appears to refer ONLY to plants, see this link:
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19 mins

pioneer plants/colonising plants

My initial guess was invasive plants, but this seems to be imply weeds.
Hope that helps
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52 mins

"Initial, first generation vegetation"

"In quarry XXXXX subranges of natural succession are left to their own volition. Expansive areas of spontanious pioneer vagetation have become established"!
Peer comment(s):

agree Сергей Лузан : "vegetation"
51 mins
Thanx, Naoaae!
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