Dec 5, 2000 07:19
24 yrs ago
German term


German to English Other
A company describes its 'Tätigkeit' as:
Produktion und Vertrieb von Tiefkühlmenüs und Tiefkühlkomponenten für die Betriebs- und Sozialverpflegung.
Obviously, the company supplies frozen food but what are 'Tiefkühlkomponenten' and does 'Sozialverpflegung' refer to meals provided by social services, ie meals on wheels, or just catering services for social occasions as oppose to business catering?

Proposed translations

5 hrs

see detail

Here, a distinction is being made between full meals (Munüs) and individual ingredients or courses (Componenten) -- the company can thus supply both frozen dinners and frozen ingredients.

Also, 'Sozial' definitely means 'social' in the sense of 'social services', not in the sense of 'social life'.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
11 mins

deep-freeze products

meals on wheels and company canteen services is what's meant
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13 mins

deep-frozen components

Tiefkühlkomponenten are parts of the meals supplied for business cantines and social food services that are deep-frozen. The cantines as well as the social food services obviously prepare some parts of their daily meals fresh but also use deep-frozen components.
I guess they take fresh potatoes but use frozen spinach, for example, like any effective housewife :-)
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16 mins

me again ;-)

sorry for the spello: "canteen" of course
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