Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Michael Schubert
Mar 3, 2005 02:52
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


German to English Other Other
Rot-Gr¨¹n bekommt es im Moment kn¨¹ppeldick. Ob Armutsbericht, Arbeitslosenzahlen, Umfragewerte - nirgendwo ein Hoffnungsschimmer f¨¹r die gebeutelte Bundesregierung. Die Opposition nutzt die Krise gen¨¹sslich aus und bringt den Kanzler mit einem Zehn-Punkte-Plan in die Bredouille

Proposed translations (English)
4 +3 beleaguered
4 +1 battered
4 bruised and battered
5 -2 screwed up

Proposed translations

17 mins


"gebeutelt" literally means shaken up.
I don't have "beleaguered" from any formal source, but that seems to be the intended meaning: the government is under siege from the torrent of bad news.
Peer comment(s):

agree Dr.G.MD (X)
9 mins
agree Johanna Timm, PhD
20 mins
agree Kathinka van de Griendt
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
5 mins

screwed up


Note added at 29 mins (2005-03-03 03:21:36 GMT)

Sunday, November 7. We aren\'t the only screwed-up imperial power. Witness the French. ... The government called the bombing a mistake. ... 11/we-arent-only-screwed-up-imperial.html
Peer comment(s):

disagree Michael Schubert : Sorry, I don't like to disagree, but I don't see "screwed up" as conveying the same meaning. Screwed up implies major incompetence; is that how you would interpret "gebeutelt"?
14 mins
not allways ;) its also smashed
disagree Ian M-H (X) : "screwed up" makes me think of mental illness or a project that's gone badly wrong, not a government under pressure
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
55 mins


im Sinne von "arg mitgenommen"
Peer comment(s):

agree Ian M-H (X)
5 hrs
Thanks, Ian
Something went wrong...
12 hrs

bruised and battered

the phrase fits into the chatty style of the text
Something went wrong...
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