Mar 11, 2001 13:59
23 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

zur Regelung nachbarlicher Verhaeltnisse einzutragenden Dienstbarkeiten

German to English Bus/Financial Real Estate
Allgemeine Voraussetungen fuer alle Zahlungen ist, dass:

- die zur Sicherung des Erwerbers betstellte Auflassungsvormerkung an der vereinbarten Rangstelle (d.h. unmittelbar im Rang nach den *zur Regelung nachbarlicher Verhaeltnisse einzutragenden Dienstbarkeiten* und nach der *zur Bauvorfinanzierung und den zuer Kaufpreisfinanzierung bestellten Grundschulden*) zulasten des Wohnungseigentums eingetragen ist.

Whew! Confused about the phrases between the **.

My attempt:

The that the notice protecting a claim for transfer of title to property ordered to secure the Buyer's claim is entered in the agreed upon order (that is, directly after the easement to be conferred for the *regulation of adjoining relationships* and after the land charge ordered for the preliminary building financing and the land charges *ordered for the purchase price financing*).
Proposed translations (English)
0 The whopper defanged
0 here's a try
Change log

May 15, 2005 16:19: Marcus Malabad changed "Term asked" from "whopper of a sentence" to "zur Regelung nachbarlicher Verhaeltnisse einzutragenden Dienstbarkeiten" , "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Real Estate"

Proposed translations

1 day 7 mins

The whopper defanged

an addendum to the closing statement on behalf of buyer's security interest in a duly recorded priority order, as stipulated (i.e. immediately following in rank: (a) settlement of all neighborly [interpersonal] service obligations, yet to be entered, and, (b) all respective mortgage instruments for construction and purchase financing) concerning foregoing, hypothecated[encumbered] residential property.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Kim Metzger : nachbarlich = neighborly [interpersonal]?
3526 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "going back to grading my old questions..."
1 hr

here's a try

Hope it helps.

As a general requirement for all payments, the notice protecting a claim for transfer of title to property that was assigned to secure the Buyer's claim must be recorded in the agreed upon order of priority subordinate to the ownership of the apartment (that is, directly after the easement to be conferred for regulating the interests of adjoining properties/property owners and after the land charges established for preliminary building and purchase price financing).

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