Sep 3, 2013 08:31
11 yrs ago
9 viewers *
German term


German to English Law/Patents Real Estate
I'm confused by the following two phrases in a correspondence about the resale of a property:

nach Rücksprache mit der Liegenschaft bzgl. der Weiterveräußerung o.a. Liegenschaft bzw. der Absicht der FHH von ihrem Rückkaufrecht Gebrauch zu machen...

Hierzu müsste das Ehepaar [Name] eine Löschungsbewilligung bei der Liegenschaft beantragen

I can't find any meaning of 'Liegenschaft' other than 'property', which makes sense in the second instance in the first phrase, but the other two occurrences seem to be referring to a person or body or authority.

Can anyone shed any light on how the term should be translated here? Many thanks in advance!
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 property administration
3 +1 owner(s)


Abigail Weller (asker) Sep 3, 2013:
Ah ok, thank you - that was what I thought it must be but it's good to have confirmation from a native speaker!
Birgit Gläser Sep 3, 2013:
owner/manager In the first instance "Liegenschaft" is used as a placeholder for the owner/manager/administrator of the property so insert whatever is applicable in the big picture ;-)

And yes, Liegenschaft is property, which is why I am not posting an answer ;-)

Proposed translations

20 mins

property administration

I agree with Birgit. The first instance should actually be "Liegenschaftsverwaltung" - property administration/administrators - the second "Liegenschaft" would be referring to the property itself. In regard to exercising its right to repurchase said property, FHH could be the Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, or the Feldschlösschen-Hürlimann Holding (or something completely different :-)).
Peer comment(s):

agree gangels (X)
2 days 8 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I chose this translation, thanks to yours and Birgit's explanations."
3 mins


Not seen this before in German, but the word "property" is used with this extended meaning in Italian and it makes sense in this context.
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM. (X) : also: freeholders
2 hrs
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