Nov 3, 2000 00:22
24 yrs ago
German term


Non-PRO German to English Tech/Engineering
Es geht um zwei Bauelemente, die formschlüssig durch eine Nut-Feder-Verbindung miteinander in Eingriff gebracht werden. Hier heißt es z.B.: Ein Einschwenken des Bauelements in ein bereits fixiertes Bauelement ist möglich, da für das Einschwenken entsprechende Freiräume vorgesehen sind, die in Gebrauchsposition wärmedämmende Luftblasen bilden. Was bedeutet "Gebrauchsposition" und wie sage ich es auf englisch?

Proposed translations

6 hrs

"installed position" or "final position

In this puzzle, it sounds like the "Bauelemente" are now some sort of panelling, for a wall perhaps and not at all like the hi-fi rack I had visualized for your question about "einschwenken".

It could be that "Gebrauchsposition" is the position where the thing will stay for its ultimate use. First one element or panel is installed, then the next is turned into position/twisted into/pivoted into position and so on. If this guess is right then "installed position" or "final position" would be good for "Gebrauchsposition".

- HTH - dan
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "It's amazing that you always no an answer. Thanks a lot."
1 hr

To my mind Gebrauchsposition means 'gebrauch von der Einschwenkung machen'

making use of-
the application of-
Peer comment(s):

Ulrike Lieder (X)
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9 hrs

operating position

Dan's on the right track with his answers.

If you can figure out what the various Bauelemente do (i.e. do they form some sort of device that can be operated?), "operating position" might be another option. The sense I get from the German is that you have to move the elements into position for the contraption to be usable, so operating position might be a viable alternative.

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