Feb 18, 2007 16:05
18 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Transport / Transportation / Shipping Verpackungsvorschriften
Es geht um Faltschachteln. Diese dürfen "nicht seitenverdreht" verpackt werden, sondern müssen einheitlich verpackt werden. Stehe auf dem Schlauch und freue mich über jeden Vorschlage. Schon mal herzlichen Dank!

Proposed translations

58 mins

the wrong way round

...just like that - like a mirror image:

wer-weiss-was | "Horizontverzerrung" | aus Forum Geowissenschaften ...- [ Translate this page ]
Alle wissen, daß ein Spiegel "seitenverdreht", das heißt, man sieht den "linken Arm" rechts und ummekehrt. Warum sieht man aber die "Füße nicht am Hals, ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Lancashireman : Agree. Sound principle. Avoid doing things the 'wrong way'. Always aim to do them the 'right way'. Who could argue with that?
7 mins
agree Claudia Tomaschek
4 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Vielen Dank, David, auch an die anderen"
5 mins

at an angle/twisted to one side

2 suggestions for the price of 1! Depends on context.
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55 mins

at 90-degree angles to each other

Because otherwise it would be wasteful of space. (Even the most incompetent or twisted box stacker would find it hard to operate with any angle other than 90, 180 and 270.)
Peer comment(s):

neutral David Moore (X) : I'd say this is half right (or half left!), wouldn't you? Should really be 180°, surely...
4 mins
Yes, perhaps it is safer to omit precise numbers though some of the hits on Google suggest mirror image, others landscape v. portrait orientation.
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